Professional Practices
Seeing, Thinking, Teaching. Visual Poetry.
Seeing, Thinking, Teaching. Visual Poetry.
Quatrain ƒotographic! Dedicated to supporting photography as an art form, provide a meeting place for those seeking to create meaningful images, and offer high-quality educational experiences with industry standard tools & techniques to unleash creativity.
If you value reading things on the Internet, then visit the weblog! Quatrain ƒotographic was born here as a manifestation of the wandered, the wondered, and the found.
The book project seeking to enfold original photography & education with Japanese handbound bookbinding media & methods. Created for those seeking ways to make sense of visual art, and to support those teaching visual literacy. ISBN: 979-8-218-48126-1
Over 40-years experience that ranges deeply into various sectors of the photo industry. Tap here to discover a well-seasoned, Quixotic Professional!
11 January — 01 February 2025 | Saturdays; 9:30 — 11:30AM [Mountain Time] Learning image editing, sequencing, syncopation, and other strategies to organize what you’ve created requires time to stop, look, and listen to yourself think. These pivotal skills enable the development of ideas about what a body of work means to you, let alone what it might convey to your viewers. If you’re seeking for ways to make your visual art meaningful, then learning how to edit with intention is the best place to start. Four online group sessions on Zoom, limited to 12 participants. Tap the SFW Logo for the course description, tuition, and other registration info.
I am really honored to be one of two recipients of the statewide, 2024 Outstanding Faculty Award by the Michigan Occupational Dean's Advisory Council. This prestigious award recognizes faculty from career and technical educational programs across Michigan who demonstrate exceptional teaching practices, professional achievements, and service to their institutions.